Thursday, May 13, 2010

What are at least three ways to prevent soil erosion?

The three ways you can prevent soil erosion are by planting small trees, crops, or herbs, and plants. Plants will provide a protective covering and help greatly to reduce the impact of wind, over watering and rainfall.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Describe 3 abiotic factors that could affect biotic potential (population growth) and how they would affect it

Three Abiotic factors that could affect population growth is temperature, pollution, and weather. Pollution could affect the population growth because there could be toxic waste in the air that could cause harm to many people. So it could cause many deaths. Weather and temperature could affect the population because people could die for heat stroke, an they could also freeze to death.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Describe why sampling is important to the study of populations

Sampling is important to the study of populations because it shows us how the world is working
as of right now. Also it can show us the amount of resources we are currently using, and how it will soon affect us. But actually it's affecting us now, because we are currently in a recession. So the economy is really bad.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Which biome would you most like to visit? Why?

the Biome I would really like to visit is the coral reef because I love to swim, and I would like to see all the different types of fishes and other animals that live there. My favorite animal that lives in the coral reef are green sea turtles. I was able to actually see a couple of them when i went to Hawaii a couple of years ago, when i went for a soccer tournament. It was really exciting, they are beautiful animals.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Should re-wilding species be keystone species? How could re-wilding be made successful?

Re-wilding should be a keystone species, because it's important thats we protect endangered species. We should be able to protect everything we have left on this earth, before its all gone. As an animal lover, I strongly agree to making re-wilding a keystone species. So i hope others agree with me also.

What surprised you most about the waste we create over a lifetime?

What surprised me the most about the waste we create is how much different types of food we will consume in a lifetime. For example we will consume 13,056 pints of ilk, 1.7 tons of pork, 2.3 tons of chicken, 19,826 eggs, 25 pounds of candy, and 4,376 loaves of bread. Which is a lot of food for our tiny little bodies.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What can diet tell us about the organisms that are eating? Give three examples

Well recently in class we got to explore an owl pellet. We got to see the many organisms they get, and how much they truly digest. I got to see that the owl pellet that my partner and i had had eaten a mouse, a shrew, two rats, and two plants.

Would you consider becoming a vegetarian or vegan? Why or why not?

I would not consider ever being a vegetarian or a vegan because I don't believe in the the diet they believe in. Vegetarians believe in a diet only consisting of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains. And vegans don't eat anything having to go with animal products. Meat is a very big part of my diet so I cant picture myself being a vegetarian or a vegan.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Which environmentalist do you feel made the greatest contribution to environmental science today? Why?

In my opinion I think that Franklin Delano Roosevelt made me feel that he has done great accomplishments towards the environment. He has done many things including establishing the WPA, CCC, AND TVA. These programs employed men to plant trees, build roads and paths on the national parks and controlled flooding. He allowed many people to get easy job to hat least have a little bit of money in their pockets.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

based upon Ch 1 where do you think humans are having the most impact? Why?

Based on reading chapter one in my opinion i think that humans are having the most impact on the environment because with all this new technology we are using so many new things. Like brand new cars that are making us use more gas and letting air pollution. Which is causing more global warming. And the population of humans is causing more harm to the environment because the are many people living in poverty, and were being to use more resources.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Define and give examples of order, randomness and complexity

Order is when everything is in its place, and when it's easy to find. Some examples of order are like a binder that is very near and that has tabs to separate the different classes, subjects, etc. A room can be an organized, and so can a locker, and many other things. Randomness is when there is no pattern or a reason to certain thing. Most of the time there is a probability if something happening. An example of randomness is a dice, because you never know what number you will roll. Complexity is when something seems to be very complex and impossible to do. An example of complexity is when play a game and there is one very strict rule that you cannot break.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

what i know about the environment, and what i would like to know.

what i know about the environment is that it has to do the plant and its natural resources. Like energy sources such as nuclear energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, and solar energy. I would like to learn more about the animals that live on our planet and how they contribute to the many diseases that have come from them. i would like to learn about the disease that are causing harm to both animals and the human race, and what is being done to prevent these diseases. I would also like to learn what is being done today to help our environment.